“A Dialogue between Dunhuang and the Palace Museum – Across 2000 Years of Chinese Heritage” Concert and Cultural Seminar

Event Introduction
Although The Dunhuang Mogao Caves and the Palace Museum located in two different times, spaces and realms, they both links together flawlessly since 306 AD and inherits 2000 years of Chinese culture. Through this programme, the historical dialogue between the two World Heritages will be unfolded. The purpose of “A Dialogue between Dunhuang and the Palace Museum” is not only celebrating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), but also putting the programme as a special present to the establishment of the Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM), and celebrate the two major events in Hong Kong together!
The aims of “A Dialogue between Dunhuang and the Palace Museum – Across 2000 Years of Chinese Heritage” Concert and Cultural Seminar are to promote the culture of Dunhuang and the Palace Museum, attract the interests and raise deeper understanding for Hong Kong citizens towards the Chinese culture, cultivate a profound cultural heritage and connotation of Hong Kong citizens and eventually achieving the goal of Hong Kong as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.
The second section of the event is the cultural seminar with the most historical value in this century. It is rare for the event to the three prominent cultural heritage protectors, which includes Dr. Wang Xudong (Director of the Palace Museum), Dr. Zhao Shengliang (Secretary of the Party Committee of Dunhuang Academy), and Dr. Louis Ng (Museum Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum). The three prominent speakers will attend the event together in Hong Kong and will discuss with the topic of the culture of Dunhuang and the Palace Museum. With Prof. Lee Chack Fan, GBS, JP (Vice-Chairman of the Board of Hong Kong Palace Museum Limited) as the host, a spectacular cultural dialogue shall be unfolded. “Come Across in Dunhuang, Continuing in the Palace, Gather in Hong Kong”, the three prominent speakers will share their thoughts towards the culture of Dunhuang and the Palace Museum. It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime moment.
The second section of the event is the cultural seminar with the most historical value in this century. It is rare for the event to the three prominent cultural heritage protectors, which includes Dr. Wang Xudong (Director of the Palace Museum), Dr. Zhao Shengliang (Secretary of the Party Committee of Dunhuang Academy), and Dr. Louis Ng (Museum Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum). The three prominent speakers will attend the event together in Hong Kong and will discuss with the topic of the culture of Dunhuang and the Palace Museum. With Prof. Lee Chack Fan, GBS, JP (Vice-Chairman of the Board of Hong Kong Palace Museum Limited) as the host, a spectacular cultural dialogue shall be unfolded. “Come Across in Dunhuang, Continuing in the Palace, Gather in Hong Kong”, the three prominent speakers will share their thoughts towards the culture of Dunhuang and the Palace Museum. It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Details of the Concert and the Cultural Seminar
Date: 21st June 2022 (Tuesday)
Time: 3:00 pm (Duration: 150 minutes)
Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre, West Kowloon Cultural District
Due to the overwhelming response, all tickets have been distributed. Thank you for your kind support to the Concert and the Cultural Seminar.
Due to the unstable situation of COVID-19 and other factors, the programme cannot be live-broadcasted. A video version of the programme will be released on various online platforms after the event. Audiences across Hong Kong, China and even around the world in anywhere can enjoy the Concert and the Cultural Seminar.

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China Welfare Lottery and China Sports Lottery

紀文鳳女士, GBS, SBS, JP
Ryan Lo
Jos by Lina Lam
駐團作曲暨藝術統籌 甘聖希先生
駐團作曲 朱啟揚先生
駐團樂師(笙) 茹健朗先生
駐團樂師(琵琶) 陳韻妍女士
駐團樂師(古箏) 陳天姿女士
駐團樂師(笛子) 郭栒曦先生
駐團樂師(敲擊) 陳俊燊先生
駐團樂師(敲擊) 譚詩蔚女士
駐團樂師(阮) 劉慕華女士
駐團樂師(阮) 彭泳汶女士