Author: HKGDE_admin

Nature’s Concerto: “Music from Heaven, Earth & Man” Concert(The Greater Bay Area)
2019-12-09 | | 紀文鳳:冀港青以中樂為契機 投身傳承中國文化
The 4th Maritime Silk Road International Arts Festival – “The Belt and Road Imitative” Performance Week – Dunhuang, Resonance of Silk Road Past and Present Concert
2019-12-04 | Ta Kung Pao | B1 | 港閩樂團絲路音樂和鳴
2019-12-01 | Quanzhou Wanbo – Quanzhou Tong | 南音與敦煌古樂首度“對話”,古今絲路交流音樂會在泉舉行
2019-12-01 | Quanzhou TV | 香港天籟敦煌樂團:全新演繹 盼重現敦煌古韻梵音
2019-12-01 | Quanzhou Wanbo | 香港“敦煌絲路迴響”音樂會在泉演出 天籟之音 重現敦煌古樂
2019-07-11 | Sing Tao Daily | P04 | 行百里者半九十
2019-06-26 | East Week | P.19 |「聽得見的敦煌」餘音繞樑 – 十二港青中樂奇蹟之旅
2019-06-24 | Hong Kong Commercial Daily | A10 | 獅子山下「聽得見的敦煌」